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Papaya Kesari


  • Rawa – 1 Cup
  • Pappaya – 2 Cups
  • Sugar – 1 Cup
  • Low fat milk – 1 Cup
  • Water – 1 Cup
  • Ghee – 2-3 tablespoon
  • Almond chopped – 2 tablespoon
  • Optional: Raisins – few 
  • Cardamom powder – 1 teaspoon
  • Put the papaya pieces in a blender and make a fine paste.
  • In a kadai, put one teaspoon ghee and fry Almond and raisins(if u are adding) separately. 
  • In the same kadai put two tablespoon ghee and fry the rawa and keep it aside.
  • In a heavy bottomed vessel pour 1 cup of milk and 1 cup of water. Bring it to boil
  • When it starts boiling, slowly add the rawa and stir continuously till the rawa is thick and cooked soft. 
  • Now add sugar and papaya paste and stir continuously. Make sure there is no lump. Add remaining ghee now. Kesari will leave the sides of the vessel. 
  • Now add cardamom powder, fried almond and raisins and mix well and remove from stove.



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