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Kala Jamun – Simple dessert recipe – Simple Milk Sweet – Festivals recipe – Dessert recipe

Our family is not a big fan of milk base sweets. But I like it. Last time when I was India I had this Kala Jamun and I liked it. So I wanted to try this Kala Jamun for a while .. this week when my sis visited me she brought over sugarless I decided to try this.. Even though the 1st day the texture is hard but next day it was pretty soft. So I recommend you to make it one day before the day you intend to serve 🙂 you can add a pinch of baking soda if you prefer.

Sugarless Koya / Kova – 1 cup
Grated Paneer – 1/2 cup
Corn flour – 3 tablespoon
All purpose flour – 3 tablespoon
Milk – as needed
Ghee – for deey frying

For sugar Syrup

Sugar – 1.25 to 1.75 cup
Water – 1.5 cup
Lemon juice – 1/2 teaspoon
Cardamon powder – 1/2 teaspoon


Add grated koya and paneer together. Knead together till it is smooth. Add Corn flour, All purpose flour and knead to smooth dough add milk if needed to bring the flours together.

Divide the dough into smooth small balls. I like bite size but if you prefer bigger size make bigger ones. Roll the balls without any cracks. Heat sugar with water. Stir it till sugar is fully dissolved…At this point if needed strain it to remove the impurities. And return this to fire and continue to heat it. Add cardamon power, lemon juice and reduce the flame. Keep the sugar syrup warm. 

Heat the ghee in the non stick pan in the medium flame. When the ghee is hot add the rolled balls. Balls shouldn’t touch each other.

Stir ghee gently so that balls get cooked evenly.Cook the balls till it start to float. 

Remove the balls from from the oil and leave it on tissue for a min. Drop them into sugar syrup. Let it soak in syrup for 15 mins. Remove the kadai from the flame for couple of mins. This will reduce the temperature of the oil. Repeat the process till all Jamun is done




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