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Cucumber Fried Rice recipe – Herbed cucumber Rice recipe – Rice recipes – Onepot meal recipes – Brown Rice recipes

Before marriage Cucumber is only for Raita. Those days there was no salad except when we visited restaurants (Those days Restaurant visit is like Picnic and need to really plan for at least a day). After marriage I had a few friends / Colleagues who were from Bangalore they do rice/ side dish with Cucumber even Sambar (yellow one). This rice is very simple, light and refreshing. The dish also perfect for summer. I made it with brown rice as well as basmati rice as both tastes good. I felt Brown rice version was more light and of course healthier. So I have decided to post it with brown rice.

Cooked brown rice – 2 cups
Cucumber – 1.5 cups (Peel the skin, remove the seeds and slice into 1/4 inch cube)
Onion – 1.5 (medium size. Sliced thinly)
White Sesame seeds – 3 tablespoon
Cashewnuts – 1 tablespoon (broken)
Oil – 3 teaspoon
Coriander leaves, Mint leaves – 2 tablespoon (Finely chopped)
Garlic – 4 pods (finely chopped)
Ginger – 1 inch (finely chopped)
Cumin seeds – 1 teaspoon
Green chillies – 1 (Slit into 2)
Dry roast the Sesame seeds till brown color. Keep it aside. Heat oil and fry Cashewnuts till brown in color. Remove it from oil and keep it aside


In the same oil add Cumin seeds and let it crackle. Add ginger, garlic pieces and fry till slight brown color. Add Onion, Green chillies and fry till transparent. Add Cucumber and salt. 


Fry for a min. Add coriander / Mint leaves mix well. Add Roasted sesame seeds and cashews


Add cooked rice, Add salt if required and mix well. 


Serve hot




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