Flapjack recipe – Simple breakfast recipe – English breakfast recipe

During our holiday in UK we have tried flapjack. We loved it. At first when my husband wanted to buy that I was very skeptical as the look is not so attractive. And this is new dish for me. So I asked him to buy just 1 to try. Later after trying out we were fighting for last piece of it :-). My kids wanted me to try making at home. I googled it for recipe and zeroed in to this. This is very simple and needed just 4 ingredients

Butter – 80g
Sugar – 80g
Golden syrup – 2 tablespoon
Oats – 140g


Bring butter, sugar and golden syrup together in a pan. Heat it. Stir continuously till it melt completely or till bubbles start to form. Add oats and mix well. Switch off the flame. 

Butter the baking dish. Transfer oats mixture into the baking dish and smooth the top.
Pre heat the oven at 200 degree C. Bake the oats for 15-17 mins or till the sides start to brown and top is browned. Let it cool down for 7 mins. And slice it to your preferred size. 

Once completely cool down store it in air tight container.



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