Mushroom and coconut milk Pulao Recipe – Mushroom and coconut milk fried rice recipe – Simple lunch box recipe – Rice recipes – Vegan Rice – No onion No garlic Rice Recipe – Party food

We don’t get tired of mushrooms. We pretty much love all mushroom dishes. Normally I plan for dishes and decide what to buy.. But there are few things I buy first and decide what to do with it. Mushroom is one of it. I always love the taste of mushroom in coconut milk and pepper. So I have decided to try out fried with these combo. It is simple mushroom recipe for bachelors or beginners. Go ahead and try it out

Mushroom – 400 g ( i have used button mushroom)
Basmati rice Rice – 1 cup
Coconut Milk – 1 cup
Water – 1.5 cup
Pepper powder – 1 teaspoon
Green chilli – 2 (slit into 2)
Mint leaves – 1 tablespoon (finely chopped)
Coriander leaves  – 1 tablespoon (finely chopped)
Salt to taste
Cinnamon – 1 inch 
Cloves – 2
Bay leaves – 1 
Cardamom – 2
Oil – 2 teaspoon


Wash and soak rice for 10 mins. Drain the water and keep it aside.

Wash and clean mushroom and slice them thinly. Keep it aside. Heat a teaspoon of oil. Add sliced mushroom and fry them till moisture is absorbed.

Heat pan and add oil. When it is hot add Cinnamon, cloves, Cardamom and bay leaves. Fry till nice aroma released. Add chilli, Mint leaves and fry for couple of second. Add Coconut milk, water and pepper powder. Let it boil. 

Add drained rice and close the lid. Let it cook. 

Once 3/4th cooked add fried mushroom and cook for a min. Switch off the flame. Add chopped coriander, cashewnuts and mix well. 

Serve hot



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