Homemade Eggless Mango Ice Cream Recipe

I decided to attempt making my own mango ice cream. It took over three years to try out, but if you are committed, you will succeed. This is the first time I’ve made ice cream with condensed milk, and it’s definitely the quickest way to create ice cream. It’s simple enough that even your kids/bachelors can make ice cream.
It is made with only three components. So give it a shot before the mango season ends. You can also use store-bought mango puree. However, I intend to utilise fresh. I used Emborg cooking cream, which is only 20% fat. I pounded it once and got very creamy ice cream. When using full fat you dont even have to beat once.

Homemade mango ice cream is a delicious and refreshing dessert that is perfect for hot summer days. Here is a simple recipe you can try. You can serve the homemade mango ice cream on its own or with some fresh mango slices on top for extra flavor. Enjoy!


Mango ice cream is a creamy, sweet and tangy frozen dessert that is made with fresh mangoes, milk, cream, sugar, and other ingredients. It is a popular dessert in many countries, especially in India and Southeast Asia where mangoes are abundant.


Mango ice cream can be made with fresh, frozen or canned mango pulp. It is typically made by blending the mango pulp with milk, cream and sugar to create a smooth mixture. Some recipes may also include egg yolks, which are added to make a richer, creamier ice cream.


Mango ice cream is a delicious and refreshing dessert that is perfect for hot summer days. Mangoes are a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin A, and dietary fiber, and they provide a unique and fruity flavor to the ice cream. The creamy texture of the ice cream complements the tangy sweetness of the mangoes perfectly, making it a delicious treat for any occasion.




  • Mango Puree – 1 cup
  • Condensed Milk – 1 cup (I have used Nestle low fat)
  • Fresh cream – 1 cup (I have used Emborg cooking cream with 20%fat)


homemade mango ice cream recipe



Take a blender / Food processor. Whip Fresh cream till it foams


homemade mango ice cream recipe

Add Condensed milk & Beat till well blended


Take chopped mango and make a smooth paste


homemade mango ice cream recipe

Add to Cream, Condensed milk and Whip for 2 mins (I have used high-speed electrical beater)


Transfer to a freezer-safe container

Pour this to freezer container freeze for 3 hrs. Take it out and beat till smooth


Freeze it for 8 hrs or overnight. Ice cream is ready to serve!




homemade mango ice cream recipe

Here are some things to keep in mind while making mango ice cream at home:


  1. Choose ripe mangoes: For the best flavor, it’s important to use ripe, sweet mangoes. Look for mangoes that are fragrant and give slightly when pressed.
  2. Chill the ingredients: Make sure to chill the milk, cream, and other ingredients in the refrigerator for at least a few hours before making the ice cream. This will help ensure a smooth and creamy texture.
  3. Use a blender or food processor: To create a smooth mango puree, use a blender or food processor to blend the mangoes until they are completely smooth.
  4. Don’t over-churn the ice cream: Over-churning the ice cream can lead to a grainy texture. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for churning time, and stop the machine once the ice cream is thick and smooth.
  5. Freeze the ice cream properly: After churning, transfer the ice cream to a freezer-safe container and freeze for at least 2-4 hours or until firm. Cover the container with plastic wrap or a lid to prevent ice crystals from forming.
  6. Add mix-ins: If you like, you can add mix-ins to the ice cream after churning, such as chopped nuts or chocolate chips. Just fold them in gently before freezing.


By following these tips, you can make a delicious and creamy mango ice cream at home!



Mango ice cream can be a tasty and satisfying dessert, and it also offers some potential health benefits. Here are some of the benefits of mango ice cream:

  1. Source of vitamins and minerals: Mangoes are a rich source of vitamins A and C, as well as potassium and dietary fiber. These nutrients can help support a healthy immune system, promote healthy skin and eyes, and may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  2. May help reduce inflammation: Mangoes contain antioxidants, which have anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce inflammation in the body.
  3. Provides energy: Mango ice cream is a source of carbohydrates, which are a key source of energy for the body. Eating carbohydrates before exercise can help fuel your workouts and improve your performance.
  4. May improve digestion: Mangoes are a good source of dietary fiber, which can help promote healthy digestion and prevent constipation.
  5. Can be a healthy alternative to store-bought ice cream: Homemade mango ice cream can be a healthier alternative to store-bought ice cream, which often contains added sugars and artificial flavors. By making your own ice cream at home, you can control the ingredients and reduce the amount of added sugars and artificial additives.



Check out our other mango recipes here.



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